Monday 19 November 2007

old crimes, new bottles...

To borrow the famous expression from David Wall, here is another example of how crime can be resilient and take new shapes with a new name: wi-fi piggybacking or the unauthorised use of electronic communications, just to get free access (but what if it goes further by the way?),1000000085,39290850,00.htm
with an update on December 14th 2007

And the emergence of botnets, showing how one cannot help using new technology for our old crime of fraud...,1000000189,39290694,00.htm
and,1000000189,39291184,00.htm (30 November 2007)
and Stephen Fry's article (yes, humour does not prevent knowledge of technology!!)

More dramatic is the case of this girl in the US who committed suicide after what might be considered as harassment from a fake character in Facebook. The case is exploding all our concept of victim and perpetrator... (10 December 2007)

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