Sunday 25 January 2009

Child porn and teens' behaviours

Facts: teens post pictures of themselves nude or in pornography positions (at least, sexually explicit). Pennsylvania took the view of charging girls for distributing child porn, boys for receiving and thus possessing it.
"20% Of Teens Send Sexually Explicit Photos Of Themselves?" (TechDirt, 8 January 2009)
"Teens Face Child Porn Charges... For Taking Nude Photos Of Themselves" (TechDirt, 20 January 2009)

Sociologically, to be a teenager means to be interested by sex, and that's human nature (hopefully). However, what does it say of ourselves, adults, if our own children do not see the difference between sending a picture of oneself nude/sexually explicit to people who are not even their lover? What does it say of our capacity to create relationships a bit more meaningful?
Legally, the charge seems to run counter the spirit of the law. I do not believe the prosecution can protect the "children" and it will certainly not help them if they are found guilty and appear on the sex offender register.

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