Wednesday 11 March 2009

Trends in cybercrime

The French Journal of the Net (JDN) provides tables for cybercrime trends in January 2009. A few viruses were around; infected websites so that malicious codes are distributed are trendy; wi-fi protection increases but still 44% of the computers are not secured enough to go online; spam comes predominantly from the US, then China (but a huge drop: 456 compared to 1546 for the US), then Russia, the UK and South Korea.

"L'état de la menace informatique dans le monde (janvier 2009)" (JDN, March 2009)

According to the American Clic Forensics firm, fraud using clicking is on the increase for the last term of 2008, with 17% of the clicks fraudulent, and a rise to 28,2% on sites providing sponsored links such as Google Ad or Yahoo. Zombies PC are playing an important part in spreading the problem.
Recrudescence de la fraude au clic fin 2008 (JDN, 30 January 2009)

and insiders are also creating risks increasingly "Insider Security Attacks On The Rise, MS Says" (TechDirt, 19 February 2009)

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