Wednesday 6 May 2009

Cybercrime policy - US, EU, France and the world

All but one in French, but I haven't finished going through my English newsletters, so should be able to complement later on with English language articles:

"International experts launch anti-cybercrime plan" (, 29 April 2009): not so international as it may appear as it involves primarily the US and the UK, but at least the Cyber Security Knowledge Transfer Network (KTN), a UK government-funded organisation, is supposed to "liaise[...] between agencies around the world, co-ordinated the formulation of the roadmap". A plan by N. Jones from KTN was published that argues that businesses should be more proactive and important partners in security.
"Building in… Information Security, Privacy and Assurance - A high-level roadmap" on KTN website

Viviane Reding is the European commissioner on new technologies; she suggests to create a European post/job of "internet police/policing officer" so as to coordinate European responses to cyberattacks and develop a strategy to increase cybersecurity
"Un Monsieur sécurité pour défendre l'Europe contre les cyber-attaques ?" (JDN, 27 April 2009)

This very much echoes what has already started in the US, with a change of policy under Obama new presidency, where Melissa Hathaway has already highlighted the new trends in cybersecurity the US will focus on, with notably a multi agencies and institutions cooperation "La cybercriminalité dans le collimateur de l'administration Obama" (JDN, 24 March 2009)

And for France, this interesting article decrypting the French President's promises during the election campaign and their outcomes in 2009. "Sécurité et libertés : les données personnelles en danger ?" (JDN, 5 May 2009). On security, what has been delivered so far is a Report (Livre blanc/White Book) on Defence and Security in June 2008 which highlighted the policies up to 2020 notably in terms of warfare.
In terms of right to privacy, the biometic passport has been launched despite the CNIL (a quango) opposition to it; the obligation for ISPs to block paedophilia websites, and the three strikes law on copyrights infringement. Generally, the CNIL tends to be sidelined as none of its advices has been followed by the Government.

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